Different Content Marketing Types Part Two

We discussed seven distinct content kinds in the first post that may help you boost the number of visits to the website and the number of leads you can produce. Are you prepared for six more? Let's get this party started.
Before we begin, let's talk about how to develop content kinds you've never seen before. You don't have to be terrified of such new content marketing types. Several sources on the Internet, including some excellent YouTube videos, will teach you how to generate these various sorts of material.
A guideline will be lengthier than a typical blog article of 1,000 words. You must take a new approach and really address the questions that the audience may have regarding the issue. Throughout the tutorial, use visuals to make things as clear as they can be. You'll need to think carefully about your concept and the layout of the guide.
You don't have to give your guide out for free. You may use guides as lead magnets to get the reader's email address. To increase the attraction factor of your guide, it must appear attractive. Make sure the layout is appealing and that you utilize high-quality visuals to complement it.
Book Reviews
If done correctly, book reviews may generate a lot of leads. You may look for books that are connected to your subject and write in-depth reviews about them, along with your suggestions. This will assist you in establishing yourself as an authority in your field, which is a fantastic thing to be.
It comes as no surprise that you should read the books you're going to review beforehand. Don't just rewrite another person's book review. If the book is excellent, you may want to get the author's interview too. This can be done using Skype, with the option to record and write a transcript.
Rant Away!
A lot of individuals enjoy the occasional rant and will tell their friends about it. A rant might take the shape of a written statement, a film, or an audio recording. When writing your rant, you'll need to employ a different tone than you usually do. It must be more emotive and powerful than your typical stuff.
The more outrageous your outburst is, the more probable that it will turn into a viral phenomenon. Consider one aspect of the industry that you despise. This may, for example, be a recent modification. You don't want to rant all the time. Make it clear that it is your personal view, and refrain from naming individuals.
"How To" Content
"How to" material is one of the most popular categories of content. Whatever industry you're in, you ought to be able to identify something about which you can provide professional advice. You must first identify an issue that people in a particular niche are experiencing and then teach them how to fix it.
How-to information may be created in both text and video formats. If you're in the software industry, an over-the-shoulder video is a must-have. If you're using text, be sure to have as many photos (including screenshots) and diagrams as possible so that your readers can get the most out of it.
Although podcasts are not as popular as they once were, there are still many individuals who would rather listen to a fun podcast than peruse a long blog article. One of the best things about podcasts is how simple they are to make.
To make a nice podcast, you'll definitely need a good microphone. Your laptop's built-in microphone will be insufficient. Prepare your podcast in the same way you would a blog piece. Provide a transcript of the podcast to provide value.
Recorded Interviews
An interview with a well-known figure in your field might be quite popular with your target audience. If you accomplish this properly, your audience's regard for you will be much enhanced.
Prepare a list of questions to ask the individual ahead of time, and then send them to ensure that they are happy with the situation. In your interview records, you don't want any awkward pauses. Provide a complete transcript to provide value once again.